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Date : 2008-09-01
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Category : Book
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Roni Horn Bird 9783865216694 Roni Horn ~ Bird is the culmination of Roni Horns longrunning photographic series of taxidermied Icelandic wildfowl Photographed at close range against white backgrounds which recall conventional studio portraiture the birds are viewed from behind abstracting their varied physiognomies and markings into inscrutable shapes and patterns
Publications Roni Horn bird Hauser Wirth ~ Roni Horn bird ‘bird’ presents the culmination of Roni Horn’s longrunning photographic series of taxidermied Icelandic wildfowl Photographed at close range against white backgrounds as though obeying the conventional format of studio portraiture the birds are viewed from behind their unique physiognomies and markings resulting in inscrutable shapes and patterns on the photographs’ surfaces
Roni Horn Bird by Philip LarrattSmith Goodreads ~ Roni Horn book Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers Bird is the culmination of Roni Horns longrunning photographic series of
Bird Roni Horn Steidl Verlag ~ bird presents the culmination of Roni Horn’s longrunning photographic series of taxidermied Icelandic wildfowl Photographed at close range against white backgrounds as though obeying the conventional format of studio portraiture the birds are viewed from behind their unique physiognomies and markings resulting in inscrutable shapes and patterns on the photographs’ surfaces
9783865216694 Roni Horn Bird AbeBooks 3865216692 ~ Bird is the culmination of Roni Horns longrunning photographic series of taxidermied Icelandic wildfowl Photographed at close range against white backgrounds which recall conventional studio portraiture the birds are viewed from behind abstracting their varied physiognomies and markings into inscrutable shapes and patterns
Roni Horn Bird ARTBOOK 2008 Catalog SteidlHauser ~ Bird is the culmination of Roni Horns longrunning photographic series of taxidermied Icelandic wildfowl Photographed at close range against white backgrounds which recall conventional studio portraiture the birds are viewed from behind abstracting their varied physiognomies and markings into inscrutable shapes and patterns
Roni Horn ~ Roni Horn Bird Sep 1 2008 by Roni Horn Philip LarrattSmith Hardcover 4241 42 41 5000 Get it by Tuesday Sep 24 Only 5 left in stock more on the way More Buying Choices
12 Best Roni Horn images Horns Contemporary art Art ~ “Roni Horn’s catalog Bird highlights a selection of closeup studio portraits of taxidermied Icelandic birds a typology that Horn worked on for more than ten years Vogel in verfremdender Rückenansicht Roni Horn Untitled No Shane Lavalette Review Bird by Roni Horn See more
Roni Horn Wikipedia ~ Roni Horn born September 25 1955 is an American visual artist and granddaughter of Eastern European immigrants she was born in New York where she lives and works
Roni Horn bird POST ~ コンセプチュアル・アーティストのRoni Horn(ロニ・ホーン)は、ある対象物を個体を変えて観測し続けていくような手法をとることでも知られている。本作ではアイスランドの狩猟鳥の剥製を被写体とし、後頭部をクローズアップして撮影した写真を、オス・メスが対になるように展開する
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